Tuesday, 21 January 2014

What If?

What if as a teacher, I decided to not integrate technology into our classroom? Would it be looked down upon or would it be encouraged? This is a question that has been pressing on me for a while. I sometimes wonder if technology is almost so expected that we are unable to function in a classroom without it. I do see the benefits in technology in the classroom, don’t get me wrong, however I also think that there are benefits in not using technology. This may be looked at as “old school”, but who defines learning anyways? Are we just integrating technology into the classroom because that’s what our generation is use too, and since kids are so use to having it around that we think it can enhance learning. Where did the simplicity of learning go? Is it gone, or is it just harder to see? Do we have to search deeper to find out how children in our generation learn? I may completely be missing the whole idea of this. My thoughts sometimes seem scattered when it comes to using technology in the classroom or not using technology in the classroom. 


  1. It's an interesting question, Kristen. What if? I wonder if there is a balance to be found here. I have great respect for the 'old world' values in teaching. However, technological literacy will be a required skill for almost every job; therefore, my return question is, are we as professional educators remiss if we don't address this new literacy?

  2. Interesting idea, Kristen. In a way, I think we are using technology in the classroom because of our generation, but I'm not sure the reasoning is because it's something we're "used to". We are equipping our students with a basic technological understanding because that is the reality of the world we live in. Our profession is an ever changing one and in order to prepare our students for the world, we need to be on top of those changes, which I think would include technology. This doesn't mean that we need to let technology take over our class, but like Sarah said, we can create a healthy balance.

  3. I believe that we should push technology in 1 of 2 ways...push it to aid in meeting learning expectations and helping to engage our students or...that we push it out of the way to aid in meeting learning expectations and helping to engage our students.

    The challenges that educators face is knowing when to push and from what side to push from.

    Thanks for the post!

  4. Wow! I feel like I was reading my own thoughts when I read your post! I too find it hard to answers these questions. Why do we have to have technology in our classrooms? Yes, it does present many benefits, but does it not also change the atmosphere of learning? Are things taken away when technology is introduced? Some of it may be due to my own personal stubbornness and not liking being told what to do, but who is so strongly enforcing the use of technology? I don't think this helped answer any of your questions, but I feel that we are not the only ones in this boat. I guess part of it is getting out there and experiencing it for ourselves. Once we experience the use of technology in classrooms we can better form our opinions as to why there is such a strong push for it.
